

圣弗朗西斯疼痛管理中心 7月4日星期四关门吗 庆祝独立日.

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The 疼痛管理 Center at Saint Francis Medical Center helps people suffering from acute and chronic pain. 有受过专门训练的员工在场, the 疼痛管理 Center reviews your medical and family health histories, 确定疼痛的来源, 并为您提供最有效的止痛方法.

t Center at Saint Francis Medical Center helps people suffering from acute and chronic pain. 有受过专门训练的员工在场, the 疼痛管理 Center reviews your medical and family health histories, 确定疼痛的来源, 并为您提供最有效的止痛方法.


  • 脊柱疼痛和慢性背痛
  • 低背综合征
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) / reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  • 神经损伤
  • 癌症相关疼痛
  • 脊髓狭窄
  • 术后疼痛
  • 纤维肌痛症
  • 带状疱疹
  • 周围神经病变
  • 糖尿病性神经病
  • 压缩骨折



Local anesthetic or steroids are used to treat a variety of chronic pain conditions, 包括神经损伤, 椎管狭窄, 糖尿病造成的术后疤痕和神经损伤. 它们也可以在成人疼痛紧急情况下开处方, 包括术后疼痛, 骨盆和下肢外伤引起疼痛, 癌症相关疼痛, 以及其他各种类型的急性和慢性疼痛.


射频损伤是安全的, proven means of interrupting pain signals that run between the source of the pain and the brain. This procedure heats a small volume of nerve tissue to interrupt pain signals from that specific area.


Tiny electrical signals are used to stimulate the spinal cord and interfere with the transmission of pain signals to the brain, 减轻疼痛感觉.


A small implantable pump administers small doses of medication directly to the spinal cord to block pain. Intraspinal drug infusion requires much smaller doses of medication for pain relief than oral or intravenous methods. 患者可能有更少的副作用和更大的疼痛缓解.



Aquatic therapy facilitates basic treatment techniques used in the gym by including the properties of water (buoyancy, 电阻, support and warmth) to challenge and strengthen the patient’s balance, 协调, 肌肉, 耐力, 运动范围和音调.


Hand therapy offers specialized treatment to patients who have lost range of motion, strength or 耐力 in their hands or arms due to illness or trauma.


As the only provider in the region with both a neuropsychologist and a behavioral psychologist on staff, Saint Francis Medical Center provides expert care for patients suffering from emotional/cognitive problems due to bodily injury. Inpatient rehabilitation staff helps patients develop coping skills, establish appropriate expectations and modify their lifestyle in accordance with any 物理 limitations to maintain a positive outlook on life.


Occupational therapists and assistants at Saint Francis Medical Center are focused on increasing independence and improving quality of life. This involves developing individualized treatment programs for patients to help them reach goals in regard to the social, 疾病和伤害对情绪和生理的影响, 包括脊髓损伤, 创伤性脑损伤, 阿尔茨海默病, 中风, 关节炎, 多发性硬化症, 肌萎缩侧索硬化和痴呆. Caregivers also assist patients in restoring daily living activities, 比如自我照顾, 工作与休闲.


Seventy-five percent of Americans experience foot problems at one time or another. 在赌博正规软件下载, feet are scanned by a computerized system that generates a 3-D view of each foot to ensure a proper fit before orthotics are processed. 定制矫形器可安装在跑鞋中, 高跟鞋, 礼服鞋, 工作鞋或其他足具. The goal is to provide enhanced biomechanics and feet alignment.


The specialized pediatric rehabilitation program supports an interdisciplinary team approach to treating communication, 物理, 社会和行为需求. Therapists are experienced at keeping children motivated during therapy sessions.


Through the use of exercises and applications that promote and restore normal function and development, 物理 therapists and assistants at Saint Francis Medical Center help patients overcome injuries and other 物理ly debilitating conditions.


Saint Francis Medical Center’s recreational therapy caregivers work with patients to improve skills and provide information needed to ensure successful adjustment into their home or community environment.


Work injury training offers individualized programs and therapies designed to get injured workers back on the job quickly. Therapists use a variety of resources to create a job-specific conditioning program in a simulated work environment.


星期一: 7:30 am - 4 pm
星期二: 7:30 am - 4 pm
周三: 7:30 am - 4 pm
星期四: 7:30 am - 4 pm
星期五: 7:30 am - 4 pm






友好的接待. 准时赴约. 护士们很自信,沃克医生很有同情心. 做的感觉 , 一次明智的, that I was on a time line and they were getting ready for the next patient before I left. 你知道这就是今天的医疗保健吗. Also, dismayed as next appt scheduled was not good for me as I would be traveling. 第二次是在大约4周后. 我的症状确实改变了. 我已被列入取消名单. 谢谢你!.


我总觉得我在被. Roumany. And when I need to get into his office, I can get in that day or the next


They treat you like you are a family member and put you at ease during your procedure.


Great experience the staff explained the procedure before doing doing it very helpful and respectful all the staff that I came in contact with




我非常喜欢沃克博士! 他是个善良的人。, 信息丰富的, 有爱心的医生, 这很好, 但更重要的是,他会如实告诉你, 帮助你理解, 并且总是乐观向上. 他的员工很友善,很有礼貌,也很乐于助人.


苏珊·杰克逊很善良, 善解人意, understanding and genuinely cares about my health and how it affects my life.


Dr. 沃克善良而温柔. 他会告诉你整个过程. 他温和的态度帮助你度过难关.

Gylis Selmeczy

Dr. 托比是个很好的医生. 他没有匆匆忙忙地完成我们的约会. 当他问了一个问题. 他允许我不打断地回答. I feel like he is a understanding doctor that does his practice from his heart and is not just doing it for the money. It good to know there is still good doctors like him out there. 因为像他这样的医生很难找到. 谢谢你,博士. 托比.

